Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Use Your Health Savings Account to Buy Glasses Online

This morning at work we had a presentation on health care plan options. With rate increases, our company is making us switch plans or pay out-of-pocket for the deductible on the existing plans. One of the options we are looking at is a high-deductible plan in combination with an HSA (Health Savings Account).

If you have not heard of a Health Savings Account, you will soon, as they are becoming increasingly popular. The concept for an HSA plan is two fold: a high-deductible health insurance plan is combined with a special tax-deductible savings account, called an HSA, or Health Savings Account. First, a high-deductible insurance plan means that the first $1000-$3000 (depending on the plan) of any medical service, often with the exception of annual physicals and other preventative care (which are covered with a small co-payment), is paid for entirely by the individual. The insurer does not begin paying until the deductible has been met, after which the insured individual is not required to pay anything.

But from where is an employee supposed to get this $1000-$3000 to meet deductible payments?

Enter the HSA. The IRS has set up these special accounts as such that all contributions are completely tax-free (as a "top-line" deduction, itemizing not required) and the money in the account can be used to fund any health-related expenses, including eyewear, vision, dental, acupuncture and other services typically not covered by your primary health provider. Because high-deductible health plans offer significant savings compared to traditional plans, your employer will possibly use part of the difference to fund your HSA, essentially putting money in your pocket!

Back to my company, the presentation on our health insurance options resulted in an interesting discussion. The company will be paying the premium on a high-deductible health plan and contributing $500 annually to my Health Savings Account. I'm young, healthy, and rarely see the Doctor, so this will essentially be $500 in my pocket to use on future medical expenses. Something particularly appealing about the HSA plan is that I could use my Health Savings Account to buy glasses online! This is a huge step away from the paradigm of the insurer paying ridiculous prices to the eye doctor for glasses. Because my employer has agreed to contribute $500/year into my HSA, for the first time ever, my glasses will cost me nothing out of pocket and the cost of eyeglasses will go towards my deductible! But I'll still have the incentive to go with the most cost-effective route (thereby using less from my account), so I'll buy my glasses online with the HSA debit card.

For the budget-conscious do-it-yourself type, the HSA really works out great. So, if you have a health savings account, use it to buy glasses online! It is a qualifying expense , so just save the receipt in your health expense file. Tax-free eyewear for under $100.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For   Vision Insurance Information for Your Family   

Vision Insurance Providers Protect Your Eyes and Your Pocketbook

Your eyes are important. Without your vision, you would be.....blind. Don't make the mistake of thinking that vision insurance only covers glasses. There are plenty of conditions you should be insured against. But, even if you never have a horrible disease, your vision coverage will provide you with eye prescriptions like glasses or contact lenses helping to reduce the costs you will have to endure yourself. In addition, you will have the security which regular examinations will provide.

Being regularly screened for things like glaucoma can increase the chances for early detection of various conditions which in turn can reduce the severity of problems those conditions might cause. Vision insurance is one of those things that many people think of as a luxury, but some fortunate souls are saved from blindness as a result of the increased medical attention they receive due to having more frequent visits.

When you visit an optometrist, you'll find the environment relaxing and peaceful. Usually their office will have carpet and comfortable furniture. After completing your initial paperwork you'll sit in a darkened room and read eye charts to determine you current vision level. When you look through the optometry machine it with the assistance of it's human operator will try several combinations of lenses until the perfect solution is found for you. You will also be checked for an astigmatism which means a cornea that is not perfectly shaped. Astigmatisms cause terrible eye strain that over the counter reading glasses cannot correct.

Your eyes are something you don't want to take a chance with. Take care of them, and they'll take care of you. This way, you can keep on seeing the world through rose colored glasses. Consider some of your vision insurance options. There are many fine companies that want your business. I'll be happy to show you a few.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For   

Are Prescription Glasses Covered by Insurance?

Many people wonder if the cost of their prescription glasses is covered by their insurance plan. The answer is that it varies tremendously from plan to plan. Before you pay out of your own pocket for prescription glasses, take a look at your plan to determine whether or not you have vision coverage.

What Most Insurance Plans Cover

Most medical insurance plans cover losses of vision and finances due to eye injury or disease. In other words, if your eye is damaged in a car accident and you require the services of an eye doctor, it will be covered. Most medical insurance plans do not cover typical "wellness" care for your eyes, such as prescription glasses and routine eye exams, unless the plan has a vision insurance policy attached to it.

Adding Vision Insurance

If you are part of a group insurance plan, you may have the option to add vision insurance to your policy. This is usually considered a value-added benefit that is attached to a traditional health insurance structure. Whether you have indemnity health insurance, an HMO, or a PPO, you may have the opportunity to add vision insurance. By adding this coverage, you will be able to access a network of eye care providers and specialists, as well as coverage and discounts on your routine eye care. This usually includes the cost of prescription glasses.

Paying for Vision Insurance

Adding a vision benefits package to your health insurance adds an annual premium amount. You may also have a deductible that you have to meet before the insurance will cover your eye care. Typically, the premium will be an amount up to $144 a year, and the maximum deductible is typically under $40. Each plan is different, so be sure to read the fine print, but you will pay more for this coverage if you pay for your own health insurance. Some companies provide this as part of their overall healthcare benefits, so read your policy to see if you are covered.

In general, those with vision insurance will receive:

- A yearly eye exam - Eyeglass lenses and frames - Contacts - LASIK discounts

Some providers will put limits on their coverage, such as only allowing the insured to get new glasses or contacts every other year. They also may put a limit on the amount they will pay for frames, which means you will pay a little out of your pocket if you want designer frames.

Tips for Using Vision Insurance

Before you schedule an appointment, check with your benefits information packet to see what doctors are covered. Remember, you will need to use a doctor in your network if you want to be covered. If you need to see a doctor who is not in your network, you may still be able to have your prescription glasses covered by filling your prescription elsewhere, but you will have to pay out of pocket for your exam.

When it is time for your eye exam, make sure you talk to your optometrist about your insurance. Most policies require the doctor to seek pre-authorization before they treat you if you are going to be covered. If this is necessary, have the doctor make the necessary calls before your appointment.

When you arrive for your appointment, present your vision insurance card. You will be asked to pay any deductibles or co-pays associated with the coverage you have. After your exam, the doctor or his staff will help you choose frames. If you have limits on the amount you can spend for frames, make sure you are looking at covered options.

If you are lucky enough to have prescription glasses coverage, make sure you take advantage of it as often as you are allowed. This will ensure that you have updated glasses as often as you need them, helping you see the world around you clearly.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   

Vision Insurance is Something You Need to Look Into

Have you looked into your medical insurance policy lately? Does it cover such things as; Lasik eye surgery, glasses or catastrophic eye problems? Most medical policies do not have these coverages. Even the best medical coverage policies do not always cover such things. Perhaps you need to look into vision insurance and see if you can get the coverage you may need in case of problems with your eyes.

Of course you will need to talk to an expert insurance and it is best to talk with someone before such issues with your vision arise. One eye insurance policy I looked into had a monthly membership fee which was nominal and low deductibles too. I asked my insurance person about this and she told me she had even a better plan that what I had found searching on the Internet, which tells me that shopping around makes a lot of sense.

First, review your current medical policy, then study what is available on the Internet a little and then once you have a pretty good handle on it write down a list of serious questions to ask and get the answers you need from an insurance expert.

Sometimes employer medical plans include such things, but not always and for us self-employed folks well we are clearly on our own when it comes to such things, but we must not forget our eyes.

Running a business blind is truly visionless indeed. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   

Benefits of Individual Vision Insurance

Individual vision insurance can provide a range of benefits. However, very few people actually utilize it and end up paying hundreds of dollars every year on expensive optical instruments and doctor visits. This often misunderstood insurance policy can be easily coupled with your regular health insurance policy for a tiny amount but can yielf great benefits.

Individual vision insurance is a special policy designed specifically to take care of eye health. While a health plan might cover general hospital visits, a vision plan caters specifically to eye doctors and optometrists. You are required to pay a monthly or annual premium for the policy in return for the benefits.

The people who can benefit from vision insurance the most are, of course, those who wear glasses or contacts regularly, or have other eye problems. Of course, even if you have perfect eye health but are interested in getting regular eye check-ups done, such an insurance policy will quite beneficial too.

Since the premium attached to a vision insurance policy is usually quite low (around $15 for most policies), you'll find that it pays for itself on an annual basis, even if you scarcely visit the eye doctor. It is no secret that regular doctor visits and prescription glasses can put a significant strain on your wallet. A pair of prescription glasses along with quality frames can cost you several hundred dollars. An individual vision insurance policy can cut down these costs by providing cover for visits to the optometrist.

The prevalent misconception that perhaps prevents people from getting this insurance is that it provides cover only for annual doctor visits and not any unexpected eye health issues. This is largely untrue, however. While the benefits of different policies will vary, in most policies, there is adequate cover for visits to opthalmologists, optometrists, and in some cases, even eye surgeons. A few specially designed policies can even take care of very expensive procedures such as LASIK, cataract surgery, etc. In other words, whatever your requirement, you can get a policy that fits your needs at a marginal cost.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For   Vision Insurance Information for Your Family   

Vision Insurance Plan - How To Choose Eye Insurance Plans

If you are among the estimated 50% of American who wear prescription contact lenses or eye glasses, a vision insurance plan can help you with the costs. A good vision plan can help you pay for your eye exam, contacts and glasses. Some employers offer a benefit package or discount plan to their employees, but you can also find one and pay for it yourself. In the long run, it can be well worth the cost.

What is an Eye Insurance Plan?

An eye insurance plan is not like regular health insurance. It is a wellness benefit that either provides a discounted rate for vision services such as eye exams, contacts and glasses or it helps offset the costs of these services. You can get vision insurance in one of two different types:

Vision Benefits Package Vision Discount Plan

A vision benefits package is much like insurance coverage in that is covers vision services. Sometimes you may be required to pay a co-payment at the time of the service or purchase of your contacts or glasses. Your benefits package pays the balance.

A vision discount plan is different from a vision benefits package in that you pay for the full services, but it is at a lower, discounted rate that has been agreed upon by the network provider. Through a discount plan, you are given a list of network providers who have agreed to charge the discounted prices per the plan. Often, there are also specific eye care services that are included in the plan so review prospective plans to make sure that the one you choose meets your needs.

Benefits of a Vision Insurance Plan

Eye insurance plans can be very beneficial, particularly if you have vision problems. You can save money on vision services and even eye glasses and contacts. An eye insurance plan can offset the sometimes substantial costs of vision care. Eye glasses alone can cost more than $200, but with a vision plan you can cut that cost by 50% or more.

You can get individual plans or plans that cover the entire family. They can be particularly helpful in saving money if you cover your children as they can sometimes go through several pair of eye glasses in a year.

Choosing the Right Vision Plan

If you think that a vision insurance company could have some benefits to offer, it is important that you find the right plan for your needs. Carefully review the benefits that are offered, what is covered, how often you can get an eye exam and how many pair of eye glasses or contact lenses you can get within a year or a six month period.

You can conduct an online search for vision insurance plans or even find a site that allows you to compare different companies by their benefits. You also want to make sure that you vision plan falls within your budget. It does you no good and you won't save much if you go broke paying for the plan.

Why You Should Have Vision Insurance   Vision Insurance and Prescription Glasses   Where to Get Individual Vision Insurance   Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan   

Kymaro Curve Control Jeans: Perfect Fit Every Time

Kymaro Curve Control Jeans take the guess-work out of buying jeans. As a woman, you know it's almost impossible to find exactly the right fit in a pair of jeans. And you'd certainly never dream of buying a pair out of a catalog or off the rack without trying them on first to see how they fit. You don't need to worry about that with Kymaro jeans because they fit every time.

Even if you've been the same weight for years you've probably noticed that you body goes through those little changes every month. One day you're fine and the next you feel like a bloated, beached whale. You haven't necessarily gained any weight but hormonal changes have made you feel and look puffy and maybe a little rounder in some places. These are the days when you just know if you try to put on those skinny jeans in your closet you're going to end up in tears.

That's why it's so difficult for women to find the perfect pair of jeans. Our bodies are constantly going through these little hormonal changes and unfortunately the jean manufacturers refuse to acknowledge this problem. Those designer jeans with the skinny legs and low-rise waist bands are all designed to fit super-slim girls with boyish figures. And how many real women do you know who actually fall into that category?

But Kymaro Curve Control Jeans have been designed to help women show off their curves. They're made of a stretchable denim weave fabric that provides gentle control and a sleek, slimmer silhouette. They're also cut slightly higher with a comfortable waist-band to eliminate that muffin top you get from today's designer jeans. And the stretchable fabric means no puckering or bunching up in the wrong places.

And because they're stretchable they're always comfortable, even on those days where you're feeling a little bloated. In fact, more and more women are buying Kymaro Jeans to use for maternity wear. Who wants to wear those old-style panel-front maternity pants when you can wear a pair of stylish jeans instead? And these jeans are comfortable enough that you can wear them all the way through your pregnancy.

It's so disheartening to go shopping for jeans. You try on dozens of pairs and when you finally find a pair you like you turn around to look at your backside and scream! The front view looked great but those huge pockets and baggy seat make your rear look very wide and lumpy.

Kymaro Curve Control Jeans actually lift and support your derriere for a firmer, shapelier look and the pockets are smaller and centered for better eye-appeal. With Kymaro Jeans you look good coming and going, no matter how off-the-charts your hormones are and you'll have a perfect fit every time you slip them on.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Big Boobs - A Nightmare or a Blessing?

Most of us women with big boobs have those days where we feel unhappy with their size and wish they were at least a couple of cup sizes smaller siting reasons such as at least my blouse/shirt would fit properly, men would speak to me instead of my chest, I could buy cheap bras and bikinis, go running without fear of knocking myself out etc!

Whenever we find these negative thoughts happening we should think of the positive side as well. For example the shirt or blouse may not quite fit but what about that dress which you fill splendidly and gives you the attention you deserve without any extra padding. For every time you look at another woman with small boobs and wish you were like that just remember she is probably looking at you wishing she had bigger boobs and could fill the large cup size bra you fill.

Breast Augmentation increased by 10% between 2009 and 2010 despite the economic gloom. More than 9,000 women a year in the UK are undergoing surgery to increase their bust size. (Statistics from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) Remember that you already have what 9,000 other women want and pay for each year.

To avoid the nightmare feeling of big boobs it is important to dress them properly. Firstly buy good quality supportive bras, although these can be expensive they are worth the investment. A supportive bra reduces the chances of back ache and other problems associated with larger breasts. Good supportive underwear creates a better silhouette therefore making you feel more confident about yourself. Clothes always fit better over good fitting underwear.

Try V neck style tops, if you don't want to display too much cleavage put a vest top underneath.

Avoid tight fitting stretchy tops, they are great if you are going clubbing and you want everyone to look at your cleavage. However not so great for general day time wear.

Avoid high neck tops and polo necks these will make your ample cleavage appear even bigger. Try scallop neck tops instead.

Look for dresses with an Empire line as this style tends to accentuate your hips and legs and draws attention away from your boobs.

Accessorise outfits with scarfs and jewellery; this tends to draw the eye away from the chest area. Another trick is to have your nails done, or wear big ear rings then it's not just your boobs looking great!

Most importantly appreciate what you've got! Remember that everyone has some aspect of their body they dislike.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Seven Tips To Lose Weight Safely

If there were one magic pill that we could all take so that we could easily reach our target weight, I'm sure that we would take it. There are plenty of companies who all think that such a pill exists and whether you are reading about the Acai Berry, Green Coffee Bean Extract, or Raspberry Ketones, you need to know that in spite of what these products can do for you, it is going to take more than that to keep off the weight.

In the past six months, I have lost more than a third of my body weight, putting me at a rather tiny size 2 (in juniors!), which isn't bad for someone who is approaching 50 years old! I am fit, trim, athletic, and here are the seven ways to lose weight that I relied on to reach my weight loss goals safely.

1. Make a goal - If you "fail to plan, you plan to fail", so I had a very specific goal right from the beginning. That goal turned into an intermediary goal and I ended up losing an extra ten pounds than I thought necessary.

2. Enlist the help of others - Although I didn't want to admit that I was overweight, I talked to my husband, who still said I looked fine, and told him I needed his help. In other words, I needed to keep the junk food out of the house and he had to be patient with my dietary needs.

3. Don't weigh yourself all the time - I made a point of weighing myself just once a week, in the morning, with no clothes on. This was a ritual that I dreaded yet looked forward to every week and it helped to prevent me from freaking out after every meal that I ate.

4. Count your calories - I ended up using Weight Watchers as a way to keep my calories (or points) in check. This helped me make sure that I never overate on any individual day and if I did, I made up for it the next day.

5. Drink lots of water - For the first two months of my diet, I found myself constantly with a bottle of water in my hand. This helped to keep me from getting hungry and also was a reminder that I needed to stop snacking all the time.

6. Workout - There is really only one workout that I really enjoy and that is swimming, so I made a point of doing it every day, even when I wasn't in the mood. As long as you can get yourself to the gym, or the pool in my case, you can start burning those calories. I might have arrived at the pool with a goal of only swimming for a half hour, but once I got going, I ended up doing an hour or more.

7. Reward yourself - Every time I lost another five pounds, I gave myself a reward, but it wasn't food. It was a massage, a pedicure, or a day off from work. Rewarding yourself with food is a very bad thing to do!

Basically, if I can lose weight following these specific tips, so can you. I must also say that I did take nutritional supplements along the way to help curb my appetite and reduce my hunger, but eventually there was no more need for those. Once you get in the habit of eating better and working out, the weight just seems to fall off, and it can do the same for you, too.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Wedding Dresses for Plus Size Women

Fashion designers like to show off their designs in the best way they can in order to sell the most pieces as they can or to build the best reputation they can. That is obvious and in order to do that they choose the most beautiful women they can afford as models.

People tend to think that they are at their most beautiful when they are at their ideal weight, so most designers end up designing for gorgeous, slim, young women, which does not suit lots of people.

One of the consequences of this is that a substantial number of other sized women are left with little choice when it comes to clothes in the latest styles. It is a fact that there is more choice now than ever before, but it is still much less choice than thinner women have.

This is true for the full gambit of garments from the most informal swimwear to the most formal mother of bride dresses. Everyone wants to look great on the beach and everybody wants to look good at their daughter's wedding. It can be a difficulty, but it is not impossible at all.

It is vital to find designers who understand the fuller figure and which bits to cover up and which bits to highlight. If this balance is got right both by good design and clever use of cloth, you will still look and feel great on formal occasions such as weddings. However, the same is a fact of swimwear too.

It is vital to give yourself lots of time to find the right outfits. You may count yourself a very lucky woman indeed if you live in a place where you can walk into a shop and find just what you like for a woman with a fuller figure. If you find places that sell the sort of items that you like, take note and guard the information jealousy, because you will have found a nugget indeed.

Because the choice of decent shops and designers for plus-size women is so limited, it means that the prices will be a lot higher as well. However, you expected that anyway. If you are invited to weddings and other formal occasions often, it is worth investing in a few outfits that may be mixed and matched.

Outfits that go with each other, so that you may wear the top of one with the bottom of the others and then camouflage them with new accessories to make it even less self-evident that your wardrobe is limited. It is no good bankrupting yourself, if it just takes a little consideration and patience to find the correct bits and pieces.

Which is why it takes time. If the wedding invitation is likely to come from your daughter, tell her that you want plenty of notice, but if you can see occasions on the horizon, begin preparing for them now. If you are particularly short of money, some catalogues offer decent selections and decent terms, but some stores do too nowadays.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Plus Size Lingerie - Explore The Perfect You

You are defined by none other than you - and your world is limited by your own perspectives. If you are willing to extend your view point beyond what you think is possible and if you are ready to live by your own terms, your dreams would well be on their way to turning into reality. If you are willing to test your limits, there is no reason why you should settle for the ordinary or compromise on what could rightfully be yours. Plus size lingerie is just the kind of tool that you may need to reach out beyond your self-imposed limits and live the dream that you always wanted. If you want the freedom to express yourself and live your inherent sensuality, if you believe that sexuality is defined by the individual and not by the limited perspectives of the society, you would only need to look at what plus size lingerie has to offer in terms of the liberty to choose your ways of expression and the freedom to be none but yourself in the special moments that come your way.

The good thing about plus size lingerie is that it gives everyone the freedom to choose and forces no one to compromise. In a free world, you are free to make your own laws and carve out your own path - and plus size lingerie is all about assisting you to be yourself. Ranging from the corsets that embrace you with all affection, bringing the best out of your physical self and marking your contours with gentleness and delicate attention, to the bustiers, which are special efforts in the corset range, designed to make you feel even more special out there, plus size lingerie has the solution to every need, the key to every puzzle.

And of course, there are the chemises that are made of a range of materials and come in a wide variety of textures, making you feel the real softness of silk, satin and lace. You would be flattered by the soft touch of the delicate chemises as you start realizing what you could be and what you could make someone special feel by your sheer elegance, thanks to the breadth to which plus size lingerie can serve while making you feel perfectly at home. If you are willing to look and explore, there is so much and many more - Plus size lingerie is made for the perfect you.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Look Slimmer By Dressing Smarter

Clothes Can Make You Look Heavier or Slimmer

Has anyone ever said to you "You look thinner out of your clothes, than in your clothes."

Before I became an Image Consultant and learned how to dress my body type, I went to a beach retreat. When I put on a bathing suit, several people said, "You look thinner out of your clothes."

At the time, I felt confused by their comments.

I was wearing an oversize top and wide legged pants.

Can you guess what I was doing wrong?

By wearing wide legged pants with an over-sized top, I was hiding my thinnest parts. When wearing separates, when one piece is unfitted,the other piece should be more fitted. Our eyes automatically search for the narrowest place to look. If there is no narrow place because you are wearing a loose top and bottom, you will look heavier than you are. If you are thinner from your waist up, you will look better with fitted tops and more loosely fitting bottoms.

If you carry most of your weight in the upper part of your body and are less weight in your legs, you will look better with a top that has no waist definition and pants or a skirt that is fitted on your bottom half.

Choosing the right fabrics for your clothes can take pounds off your silhouette.

What fabrics should you avoid wearing when you are trying to look slimmer? Figure friendly fabrics include knit fabrics such as jersey, slinky knits, as well as tightly woven fabrics such as silk, polyester and wool. Any fabric with a good drape will hang closer to your body skimming your curves and moulding gently to your silhouette rather than standing away from it and making you look larger. What else can you do to avoid looking heavier? You can use visual tricks to get people to focus on your face, eyes and mouth. This doesn't mean you should hide your whole body. Instead, strategically place color and clothing lines, so that people look at your face and just glance at your body. You do not want to draw attention to your body with fabrics that cling to your body showing all your bulges and you don't want to wear fabrics that are too thick or stiff and make your body look even heavier.

Don't Wear:

Stiff fabric or thick fabric, ruffles, heavily textured fabrics, shiny fabric or fabrics that are too thin and cling to the body.

Also avoid wide horizontal stripes, and large horizontal patterns. Colors that are too bright for your body colors or colors that drain the color out of your face can also make you look heavier.


Choose fabrics that drape and are medium weight in your most flattering colors.

Jackets, A Great Way To Look Slimmer

I love jackets because they are "workhorses," that can camouflage a tummy or large waist, buttocks or hips. To look slimmer you must choose a jacket that flatters your body and ends at one of your narrowest places. (You can layer an unbuttoned blouse or cardigan sweater over a shell for a more casual jacket look.

If you have a wide mid-section, and waist-line but relatively narrow hips you SHOULD NOT wear a short jacket that ends at your waist because this would be like pointing an arrow at your widest point. You need to wear a jacket that ends at your narrow hips. If your mid section is wide you will look better in a jacket that has at least 3 or 5 buttons. Two buttons usually stops at the stomach area. This is like pointing an arrow at your widest body part. If you have a waistline that is larger,the same or only slightly smaller than your hips you need a jacket that does not taper at the waist. If you have a defined waistline (your waist is 8 to 10 inches smaller than your hips) you can wear a jacket that tapers in at the waist. If you have a small waist and a large buttock or large hips, a jacket that ends at your waist will emphasize your buttock or hips. A better choice for you is a longer jacket that tapers at the waist and stops at the narrowest place near your thighs. Be careful not to wear a jacket that's too long usually no longer than the rise of your pants. If the jacket is too long, your legs will look shorter and you will look shorter.

Wear Layers To Look Slimmer

If you wear a jacket and pants or a jacket and a skirt in the same color and a blouse underneath in a different color and leave the jacket open this creates a longer, slimmer line. Your can change the color of your shell or blouse and you will look like you have a different outfit.

By wearing your jacket open, you can create two vertical lines and the illusion you have a waistline, because only a little of your waist shows. Wearing clothing that skims your body shape and is not too tight or too loose will make you look slimmer. Don't be afraid to get your "ready to wear," clothing altered to get a perfect fit that looks like it was made, just for you. When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Self Esteem Boosters For Women

Healthy self-esteem is a key to women's holistic health. Self-esteem issues are the most prevalent mental health problem among women. Body image is very important; it is one of the factors that affect a woman's self-esteem. In this day and age, women should build confidence in their relationships, jobs, personal lives, parenting skills and the ability to live their dreams. This will help them to be in-charge of their applecart. To a woman, how she looks matter a lot. A woman can spend minutes to hours in front of the mirror just to make sure she is looking her best before going out. A healthy self-image positively influences a woman's self-esteem.

The term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of personal value or self-worth. It is a personality trait which involves a variety of beliefs about self, such as behaviors, emotions, habitudes (habits and attitudes), beliefs and the appraisal of one's own appearances. Confidence and satisfaction in oneself impacts all areas of one's life. This also boosts your self-regard and self-respect. Humbleness, modesty and humility help you improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a sense of personal worth and ability that is fundamental to a person's identity. Your self-concept has a great effect on how and what you feel about yourself. By loving yourself you boost your self-esteem!

As a woman, the best way to live a beautiful and blissful life is to believe in you. Every woman has the power and potential to live the life of her dream, but many are not because of the problem of low self-esteem. You can boost your self-esteem and improve your life and living through these means listed below.

#1 Appreciate Your Physique: Those females you see in the pages of some newspapers, magazines and TV ads are often not realistic representation of real women. When you are always seeing size 4 women and you are a size 10, it can make you to start feeling undesirable or less good about yourself. Don't mind the media! Walking around your community, you will see women of different sizes, shapes, colors and heights; know it that being beautiful and sexy comes in different forms including your own. Appreciate and celebrate yourself because you are wonderfully and beautifully made by God - the master designer. Fell good about yourself. Note: the value you place on yourself matters a lot in life.

#2 Have Positive Thoughts and Beliefs: Replace negative and disempowering thoughts with life-uplifting and enriching thoughts. For example, if you think you are ugly, this will become real to you because your mind paints your world. Even if you have made mistakes in the past, forgive and encourage yourself. When things aren't going well, relax and give yourself pep talks. Positive thought, confession and doing yield positive result. Affirm, "I am beautiful and unique!"

#3 Avoid Unhealthy Comparison: Unhealthy comparison of yourself to another person will only make you feel bad. No two people are the same; every woman is unique and special. You can't be like Ozichi Onuoha, Tammie Roundtree, Mitchell Obama, Georgenia Chigozie Onuoha, Angelina Jolie, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Noni Ntaka Camagwini, Agbani Darego, Paula White, Dora Akunyilu or Naomi Harris and they can never be like you. Be the best you! You were born an original; don't die a copy.

Though women are called the weaker sex, they are endowed with great potentials that are enriching lives 24/7. Self-esteem gives power and vigor to a women's life and it can be boosted with self-confidence. Do those things that empower and make you happy; these boost yourself-esteem.


When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

Dresses For Plus Size Women That We Just Can't Get Enough Of

Once upon a time, the many dresses for plus size women were huge and over size. In short, they were not really fashionable. And large women just had to put up with the fact that they need something to wear comfortably. Well times have changed for the better and here's why.

More Fashionable Plus Size Dresses For Women

There is now a huge variety of fashionable plus size dresses for women that one can find online any time. And since many women are busy working these days, purchasing them online will definitely help them save time and gas. No one wants to get stuck in traffic jams or spend the whole day driving from one store to another looking for dresses when you can search online in the comfort of your own home. Since some of the online stores offer free shipping, it's more convenient to have you items delivered straight to your home. Unless you have all the energy and time in the world to do window shopping. Besides, you get to see more variety online and to also zero in on the style and designs that interest you.

What is Currently Popular?

So at the moment, large women get to look really good since many of the plus size dresses for women have been designed following the latest fashion trends. Need a dress for an evening dinner? There's plenty of choices to bowl you over. Want to go chill out at the club with friends? You could find some hot sexy plus size dresses that will make heads turn. And all these dresses will complement your figure. Whether you need some trendy tops or party dress to little black dresses and day shirts, you find the latest offering very appealing. And many of the online stores selling these clothing will have sizing information which makes it easier for women to select the sizes of their choice.

More Color, Cutting And Style

No longer will these dresses for plus size women be boring or mundane. There is now quite a good market for them as more and more designers come up with more designs offering beautiful cutting and a variety of colors and style to suite the taste of women all over. So if you're game to get some shopping done, now would be a good time.


These are some of the main reasons why we just can't seem to get enough of these dresses for plus size women. Especially with the fact that they are so readily and easily available online which women could purchase and have them shipped directly to them. Have a wonderful time shopping for them!

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

What to Wear If You're Large Busted

Boobs are a surefire conversation starter. Did you go up 3 cup sizes after you had kids? Did you have a breast reduction? Have yours gotten larger as you've aged? Most women I know have something to say about their chest. Especially when it comes to getting dressed.

Dressing for a large bustline can be a challenge if you don't know what you're looking for - or what to avoid. You may see a cute top that looks fabulous on a small-busted woman, but put it on and it's all wrong.

Yet knowing what to wear and what to avoid can be quite confusing. While there are many x-factors that determine what will work for your bustline and your body type, I want to offer a few guidelines to help you get the best fit and make dressing for a large bustline a little bit easier.

1. Avoid banded sleeved tops - Short sleeves that are banded, especially in a contrasting color, do nothing but draw attention to your bustline and make you look bigger than you are. Plus, they're a little to 'cute' to look appropriate with a larger bustline. Opt for a more sleek sleeve to create a more streamlined look.

2. Avoid gathers above, on or below bustline - In short, if your top or dress has gathers anywhere around the bustline it will visually add pounds and you may even be asked if you're expecting. Gasp! Instead, choose a top that has a smooth front and that gracefully follows your curves for best effect.

3. Create waistline emphasis - with a larger bustline it is important to wear clothing that nips in at the waist to avoid adding pounds. However, this does NOT mean that you want to draw attention to your waist. Simply wear clothing that accentuates your curves without drawing unnecessary attention to your waistline area.

4. Avoid anything boxy, especially jackets in stiff fabrics - Boxy tops and jackets do nothing for your curves but with the added influence of a stiff fabric they really become the enemy. At the first sight of a stiff, boxy top or jacket, run! Instead of hugging your curves they stand away from the body and make you look much bigger than you are.

5. Breast pockets or details - If your chest is on the large side don't wear something that's simply going to advertise that fact. Instead, play it down by wearing tops, dresses and jackets without excessive adornments such as pockets (especially with buttons), appliques, ruffles or other trim. They'll simply draw attention to where you'd rather not have it. Wear your brighter and more adorned items below the waist, around your face or even on your feet!

6. Knits are your BFF - When you have curves the best option for tops and dresses will be knits, rather than woven fabrics (think button down shirts). They conform to your body, hugging it in all the right places. Leave the crisp button downs to the men. But ensure you wear a knit that has some substance. Some of the knits you'll find these days are sheer, clingy and show every lump, bump and bulge. Opt for something that has more weight to it with a little bit of Lycra for best effect.

7. Open necklines - Anything close fitting or tight, especially turtlenecks, will simply amp up your bustline and make you look bigger. An open v-neckline can minimize your bustline and enhance your silhouette. If it's too low and show's too much cleavage, add a camisole underneath.

Another thing that can make a big difference is to get a great fitting bra. This may seem like common knowledge, but wearing a great fitting bra will make all the difference in how your clothes fit. If you haven't been fitted in a while, have a fitting (you just may be surprised!) and buy new bras every few months.

They're not made like they used to be and having an ample bosom will put more wear and tear on your bras. Straps lose their stretch and don't fit like they should, so pay close attention and know what your needs are. Also, 'the girls' should be mid-arm in height, equidistant between elbow and shoulder. If not, chances are a new bra is in order.

When Is A Good Time To Buy Plus Size Dresses For Women?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   Why Should a Woman Wear a Steel Boned Corset?   How Plus Size Retro Dresses Help Plus Sized Women   

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